How to find noun genders and examples
I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website
1. Masculine gender :
A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the masuline gender.
Ex:. Man, boy, father, king, tiger, lion, hero, ox,
Hero etc.,......
2. feminine gender:
A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the feminine gender.
Ex: woman, girl, mother, queen, tigress, lioness, cow etc...
3. Commen gender:
A noun that denotes a male or female animal is said to be of the common gender.
Ex: teacher, friend, guest, student, person, servant. Etc.....
4. Neuter gender:
A noun that denotes neither a male nor a female animal is said to be of the neuter gender.
Ex: Book, table, house water , stone, gold, etc...