
English important part of noun cases

I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website ***************************************** 1 .   Nominative (.........)  2.    Accusative (...........) 3.    Instrumental ( by) 4.    Dative.      ( To, for) 5.    Ablative.  (  From) 6.      Possessive  ( ' s, s' , of) 7.   Locative.  (. In , at) 8.   Vocative.  (.........) Full  details in next.   Blog ariticle ...

Noun numbers information

I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website            ****************************** 1.     singular number:                                  2.     Plural number : 1.   The number of nouns form the plural nouns          by adding. ' s'   to the singular nouns. 2.     Nouns ending in s, sh,ch, x,o form plural by            Adding  " es" to the singular.    Singular                                 Plural Animal.            ...

Masuline, feminine full details and examples

I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website **************************************** Masculine                feminine   Man.                             Woman Boy.                                Girl Brother.                        Sister Father.                         Mother Gentle man.                  Lady   Ox.                          ...

How to find noun genders and examples

I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website *********************************************** 1.  Masculine gender :                                           A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the masuline gender. Ex:.  Man, boy, father, king, tiger, lion, hero, ox,                Hero etc.,...... 2.  feminine gender:                                A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the feminine gender. Ex:  woman, girl, mother, queen, tigress, lioness, cow etc... 3.  Commen gender:    ...
I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website ********************************************** 3 .  Collective noun:                                A collocative noun is a name given to a group of persons or things of the same class. Ex: Team, army, family, commitee, etc.            ********************************* 4.   Adstract noun:                            An abstract noun is a name which expresses a quality, an action or a state. Ex:. Kindness, honesty, hardness, darkness, etc 5. Material noun:                     ...

Kinds of noun information

I would like to thank all English subject experts who gave me good suggestion time to time for the improment of this web site.i also would like to thank teachers.and students.parents and my website readers inspired me to write and publish the website..... *******************************************  1.    Proper  noun:                      A proper noun is a name of the particular person ,place or thing. Ex:  Rama, sita, geeta, belgaum, Delhi, Sunday, March, etc. 2.     Common noun:                                A common noun is a name given in general to every person, place or thing. Ex:       M an, woman, son, Father, mother, daughter, villege, town, river, state etc     

Information about adverb

5.       Adverb:                          An adverb is a word which describes a verb ,an adjective or another adverb.   Ex: very, fast, slow, quickly, sweetly, etc   6.        Preposition:                                  A. Preposition is a world which shows relation be tween nouns. Ex:. On,in, to,from, into, upon, below etc. 7.         Conjunction:                                A conjuction is a word which joins words or sentences.    Ex:  and, or, but, either, neither, not, as , etc       8.       Interjection:                               An intejection is a ...